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The House of Magical Rites

Regio II   Insula 1

This is a house where the general public could take part in magical rites. The name of the complex derives from two 'magic' bronze hands recalling Sabatius the god of vegetation that were found in it along with two ritual terra-cotta vases.

The latter had embossed decorations in the shape of lizards, snakes, tortoises, grapes and loaves of bread which were probably intended to suggest rural divinities and natural agents. A room not far from the entrance door is supposed to have been used to hold propitiatory meetings and votive banquets. As is suggested by numerous examples of graffiti, the Exedra which is reached through a door behind an altar situated in the courtyard was used to perform magic rites.

This is a house where the general public could take part in magical rites. The name of the complex derives from two 'magic' bronze hands recalling Sabatius the god of vegetation that were found in it along with two ritual terra-cotta vases.

The latter had embossed decorations in the shape of lizards, snakes, tortoises, grapes and loaves of bread which were probably intended to suggest rural divinities and natural agents. A room not far from the entrance door is supposed to have been used to hold propitiatory meetings and votive banquets. As is suggested by numerous examples of graffiti, the Exedra which is reached through a door behind an altar situated in the courtyard was used to perform magic rites.

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