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The thrill and the ecstasy: the mysteries of the Dionysian cult in ancient Rome
June 15, 2018 | Roman History

The thrill and the ecstasy: the mysteries of the Dionysian cult in ancient Rome

The spread of the cult of #Bacchus in Rome took place around the 2nd century BC. Similarly to the cult of Dionysus in Greece, from which it derives, it was a mystery cult, that is reserved only for initiates with mystical purposes.

The Bacchanalia were Roman festivals of Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine, freedom, intoxication and ecstasy. They were based on the Greek Dionysia and the Dionysian mysteries, and probably arrived in Rome 200 BC via the Greek colonies in southern Italy, and from Etruria. Like all mystery cults, the Bacchanalia were held in strict privacy, and initiates were bound to secrecy; what little is known of the cult and its rites derives from Greek and Roman literature, plays, statuary and paintings.

Livio, the main Roman literary source on the first bacchantes, appoints Paculla Annia, a priestess of Bacchus, as the founder of a private and unofficial cult of the Bacchanal in Rome.

Livio claims that the first version was open only to women and held three days a year in the light of day; while in the nearby Etruria, north of Rome, a "Greek fortune-teller of humble origins" had established a nocturnal version, adding a mix of wine and banquets, and acquiring an enthusiastic following of women and men; Livio says that Paculla Annia corrupted the unofficial, but morally acceptable Bacchic cult of Rome, introducing the Etruscan version, with five nocturnal worship meetings a month, open to all social classes, ages and sexes, starting from her own children; the new celebrations and initiations were characterized by violence fueled by wine and violent sexual promiscuity, in which the screams of the abused were choked by the din of drums and cymbals. Those who rebelled or betrayed the secret were eliminated. Under the cover of religion, the priests and acolytes broke every civil, moral and religious law.

Livio states that even if the cult had a particular fascination for those with an uncultivated and volatile mind (levitas animi), such as the young, the plebeians, the women and "the men more like the women", most of the population was involved, even the upper classes of Rome were not immune to it.

Soon the followers of the cult of Bacchus came into conflict with the official religion of Rome following their refusal to recognize the cultural values ​​of this, to the point that in 186 BC the Senate, on the initiative of Marco Porcio Cato, issued a senatoconsultation , known as Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus in order to dissolve the cult with destruction of the temples, confiscation of property, arrest of the leaders and persecution of the followers. Later the bacchanalia survived as propitiatory festivals, but no longer the mystery component.

Photo by Dr Sophie Hay

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June 15, 2018 | Roman History

The thrill and the ecstasy: the mysteries of the Dionysian cult in ancient Rome

The spread of the cult of #Bacchus in Rome took place around the 2nd century BC. Similarly to the cult of Dionysus in Greece, from which it derives, it was a mystery cult, that is reserved only for initiates with mystical purposes.

The Bacchanalia were Roman festivals of Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine, freedom, intoxication and ecstasy. They were based on the Greek Dionysia and the Dionysian mysteries, and probably arrived in Rome 200 BC via the Greek colonies in southern Italy, and from Etruria. Like all mystery cults, the Bacchanalia were held in strict privacy, and initiates were bound to secrecy; what little is known of the cult and its rites derives from Greek and Roman literature, plays, statuary and paintings.

Livio, the main Roman literary source on the first bacchantes, appoints Paculla Annia, a priestess of Bacchus, as the founder of a private and unofficial cult of the Bacchanal in Rome.

Livio claims that the first version was open only to women and held three days a year in the light of day; while in the nearby Etruria, north of Rome, a "Greek fortune-teller of humble origins" had established a nocturnal version, adding a mix of wine and banquets, and acquiring an enthusiastic following of women and men; Livio says that Paculla Annia corrupted the unofficial, but morally acceptable Bacchic cult of Rome, introducing the Etruscan version, with five nocturnal worship meetings a month, open to all social classes, ages and sexes, starting from her own children; the new celebrations and initiations were characterized by violence fueled by wine and violent sexual promiscuity, in which the screams of the abused were choked by the din of drums and cymbals. Those who rebelled or betrayed the secret were eliminated. Under the cover of religion, the priests and acolytes broke every civil, moral and religious law.

Livio states that even if the cult had a particular fascination for those with an uncultivated and volatile mind (levitas animi), such as the young, the plebeians, the women and "the men more like the women", most of the population was involved, even the upper classes of Rome were not immune to it.

Soon the followers of the cult of Bacchus came into conflict with the official religion of Rome following their refusal to recognize the cultural values ​​of this, to the point that in 186 BC the Senate, on the initiative of Marco Porcio Cato, issued a senatoconsultation , known as Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus in order to dissolve the cult with destruction of the temples, confiscation of property, arrest of the leaders and persecution of the followers. Later the bacchanalia survived as propitiatory festivals, but no longer the mystery component.

Photo by Dr Sophie Hay

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