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The propitiatory value of Eros: erotic art in Pompeii
June 12, 2018 | Eros in Pompeii

The propitiatory value of Eros: erotic art in Pompeii

One of the aspects of Pompeii that particularly intrigues visitors is the erotic one. In fact, in the city it was frequent exposure of erotic images that today we would even call obscene. 

#Frescos and #mosaics exposed in the houses and even in public places (such as the baths) where sexual relations were performed, multiple couplings, not to mention the penises exhibited sometimes even on the streets. In reality, the phallus was attributed a propitiatory value, it was considered an apotropaic image, capable of keeping away the evil influences, so there was no malice to exhibit it even in dimensions that today appear embarrassing, if not grotesque.

In real life, however, the relationship between the sexes was very serious. Women in particular were considered the core of the family, even if excluded from the vote, they actively participated in social and working life. They even frequented the gambling dens and enthusiastically attended the gladiatorial shows, even though they were relegated to the highest steps of the amphitheater for prudence. Although divorcing was simple enough marriage and family were given great social importance. Augustus himself, the first Roman emperor, did not hesitate to exile his only daughter Giulia, accused of immorality, on the island of Ventotene, to apply her own law on adulteries that aimed at restoring public morality.

Despite this in Pompeii there were numerous places where prostitution was practiced. The most famous is the so-called "The Lupanar", so called by the word "lupa", which in Latin means prostitute. It was on two floors and included ten rooms, five at the top, larger and more comfortable, another five on the ground floor, small and with very little privacy.

Each room was decorated with a masonry bed on which sacks were placed, certainly not very hygienic. At the entrance of the rooms there are also famous erotic depictions that particularly intrigue visitors and that seem to allude to the love positions promised by the girls of the house. In reality, the customers were mostly slaves and visitors passing through, instead the rich of the city organized meetings in their comfortable homes or had fun, without spending even the little money required, with their slavery.

Also in the Suburban Baths dressing room we can attend a collection of erotic paintings that are also particularly audacious.

Often then we find images of penises also of disproportionate size. The most famous is represented at the entrance of the House of Vetti, the well-known figure of a priapus in the act of weighing his enormous prophylactic phallus (against the evil eye) on the plate of a weight scale. Still paintings and statues that today we will define “hot” scattered in countless private houses.

You should not consider these images just an intriguing curiosity, there is in fact an important breakfast of these works, from Pompeii, Herculaneum and other towns in the Vesuvian area, preserved in a room of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples called "Secret Cabinet". For his daring content his vision was forbidden until a few decades ago. Indeed the room was even walled up and even today, perhaps unique in the world for a museum, his visit is not recommended or even prohibited to minors.

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June 12, 2018 | Eros in Pompeii

The propitiatory value of Eros: erotic art in Pompeii

One of the aspects of Pompeii that particularly intrigues visitors is the erotic one. In fact, in the city it was frequent exposure of erotic images that today we would even call obscene. 

#Frescos and #mosaics exposed in the houses and even in public places (such as the baths) where sexual relations were performed, multiple couplings, not to mention the penises exhibited sometimes even on the streets. In reality, the phallus was attributed a propitiatory value, it was considered an apotropaic image, capable of keeping away the evil influences, so there was no malice to exhibit it even in dimensions that today appear embarrassing, if not grotesque.

In real life, however, the relationship between the sexes was very serious. Women in particular were considered the core of the family, even if excluded from the vote, they actively participated in social and working life. They even frequented the gambling dens and enthusiastically attended the gladiatorial shows, even though they were relegated to the highest steps of the amphitheater for prudence. Although divorcing was simple enough marriage and family were given great social importance. Augustus himself, the first Roman emperor, did not hesitate to exile his only daughter Giulia, accused of immorality, on the island of Ventotene, to apply her own law on adulteries that aimed at restoring public morality.

Despite this in Pompeii there were numerous places where prostitution was practiced. The most famous is the so-called "The Lupanar", so called by the word "lupa", which in Latin means prostitute. It was on two floors and included ten rooms, five at the top, larger and more comfortable, another five on the ground floor, small and with very little privacy.

Each room was decorated with a masonry bed on which sacks were placed, certainly not very hygienic. At the entrance of the rooms there are also famous erotic depictions that particularly intrigue visitors and that seem to allude to the love positions promised by the girls of the house. In reality, the customers were mostly slaves and visitors passing through, instead the rich of the city organized meetings in their comfortable homes or had fun, without spending even the little money required, with their slavery.

Also in the Suburban Baths dressing room we can attend a collection of erotic paintings that are also particularly audacious.

Often then we find images of penises also of disproportionate size. The most famous is represented at the entrance of the House of Vetti, the well-known figure of a priapus in the act of weighing his enormous prophylactic phallus (against the evil eye) on the plate of a weight scale. Still paintings and statues that today we will define “hot” scattered in countless private houses.

You should not consider these images just an intriguing curiosity, there is in fact an important breakfast of these works, from Pompeii, Herculaneum and other towns in the Vesuvian area, preserved in a room of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples called "Secret Cabinet". For his daring content his vision was forbidden until a few decades ago. Indeed the room was even walled up and even today, perhaps unique in the world for a museum, his visit is not recommended or even prohibited to minors.

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